Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Good Ole Day

The other day an old friend of mine came into town. We went to highschool together. He's one of those people that I haven't seen in over 12 years, and can't find on Facebook. It was supercool to hang out and talk about the good old days, and he's still in contact with a lot of people that I haven't seen in forever so I got to hear about them. When we were in Grade twelvish he bought this little concrete ornament company and sold ornaments at the Saturday Market. He gave me a little hedgehog once, which I still have. He moved to Duncan and turned his company into a very succesful venture. He also started raising money for the David Suzuki Foundation with his 100th Monkey. He's raised $27,000 dollars for the David Suzuki Foundation! Super cool! But more importantly his wife knits, and she is just learning so I am going to give her some handspun yarn!
He gave me a monkey.
This monkey (who is as yet unnamed) is going to be kickin' it in the garden with the gnome.

Things are starting to slow down a little at work I had some time for knitting and have been working on this.
It's made with Mermaids Tail yarn from Twist of Fate. It's a merino/seacell blend which is very shiny. The magpie in me loves the shiny!
But I need to put that off to the side to finish the mystery project...aren't you intrigued?

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